How to get 7 in IELTS
How to get 7 in IELTS
Do you want to get a Band 7 in IELTS? Do you want a band 7 in IELTS within short time? Do you need quick and precise guide to get 7 in IELTS?
Then this post is for you! How to get 7 in IELTS in the short time with focused and intensive step by step study guide and realistic plan is given below:
- Set a realistic and achievable goal: First of all, set a goal that you need to achieve either for your study abroad or for migration to Canada, Australia, New Zealand and so on. If your goal is to get very good proficiency in English, then you’ve to practice a lot until you’re confidence and fluent in that skills. Setting goal can help you measure your level of English every time and motivate you to reach your desired level within pristine time.
- Maintain a regular study plan:
- Enhance personal speed:
- Increase your reading speed sentence by sentence with chopping method:
- Learn to Remember and develop a sense of memory: Since reading test analyze your understand, you need to remember many information when you read and look for question answers. So, practice remembering information when you do speed reading, practice test and during reading other types of materials to enrich your English skills.
- Learn to maintain and manage your time carefully and precisely: Since IELTS exam is an international English Assessment Test, it maintains strict time schedule, so to be used to with your upcoming exam, must maintain time or do timed exam very often during your preparation time.
- Must know the golden rule for the IELTS exam: IELTS always asks you to give exact answers all for Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking tests. So, to get a very good score, you’ve to answer precisely and exactly what the question asks you about.
- You must read the INSTRUCTION VERY CAREFULLY: Since IELTS exam is a test which asks you to write specific word or words or number, and if you make mistake in the number of words in your answer, despite being the accuracy your answer will be wrong because of not following the instructions. So, pay head to the instructions all in Listening, Reading and Writing Tests.
- Must check the example both in Listening and Reading exams: Sometimes, during the Reading and Listening tests, you might come across some examples, which indicates the answer of the following questions. So, if you look into that, you’ll get a quick clue to answer the questions correctly.
- Learn how to find the Questions Key Words: In all IELS Modules of IELTS i.e. Reading, Listening and Writing, you have to pick the key words to answer correctly, locate the answer in Reading pick the correct one from the Listening. So, you practice them well before that. More importantly, you should always focus on Nouns, Adjectives, Adverbs and Verbs as they are the Key Words.
- Check twice before you submit the test: Writing is a devil mistake, everyone does that. So, during the timed exam, it’s very normal to make such errors, hence, check them repeatedly to avoid penalty.
- Make Logical Guess: For some questions, you might not be able to reckon the answers, so don’t leave them blank, rather make wise guessing and fill them. You may get correct some which may boost your final score.
- Check Your Spelling: In IELTS Listening, Reading and Writing exam, check your spelling before submitting or picking answers from Reading Passage or from Recording. If your spelling is wrong, your will be wrong. So, must check them before you submit.
- Do Write Clearly: If your writing is not clear, you’ll possibly loss some marks. So, hand writing must be clear and easy to read by the examiners.