How to Solve Sentence Completion

How to Solve Sentence Completion | How to Solve Sentence Completion

How to Solve IELTS Reading Sentence Completion questions

How to solve this test?

  • Find where the answer is located in the text before you try to answer the question. Remember where before what.
  • Read the questions before reading the text.

Keyword table for this practice test:

Keywords in QuestionsSimilar words in Passage
When Willis Carrier invented air conditioning, his aim was to solve problems in a factoryCarrier’s invention made it possible to control temperature and humidity levels and so align the colours.
Home air conditioners were not popular at first because they were too big and expensive.However, its size, similar to that of an early computer, meant it took up too much space to come into widespread use, and later models, such as the Weathermaker, which Carrier brought out in the 1920s, cost too much for most people.
Employers refused to put air conditioning in workplaces at first because they did not want to spend money improving working conditions.They considered that if they were paying people to work, they should not be paying for them to be comfortable as well.


Question 1:

  • Find the keywords in the reading passage that has similar words in the question:control temperature and humidity levels = solve problems in a factory
  • So answer of Q1 is D.

Question 2:

  • Find the keywords in the reading passage that has similar words in the question: it took up too much space = too big ; cost too much = expensive
  • So answer of Q2 is A.

Question 3:

  • Find the keywords in the reading passage that has similar words in the question: paying = spend money ; comfortable = improving working conditions
  • So answer of Q3 is C.

Now continue this technique with another questions. This may seem like a lot of work and in the beginning but once you have practised this many times, you will be able to find your answers really fast and with much better accuracy and that will improve your score.