September 2022 to December 2022 Cue Cards With Answers

September 2022 to December 2022 Cue Cards With Answers

1 Describe a person who impressed you most when you were in primary school
2 Talk about a time when you moved into a new house
3 Describe a skill that was hard to learn
4 Talk about an exciting or interesting book you ever read 
5 Describe a Cafe that you like to visit
6 Talk about a situation when you had to be friendly with someone you did not like
7 Describe an occasion when you received good service from a company or shop
8 Talk about  a difficult decision that you once made
9 Describe a successful sportsperson that you like
10 Talk about a long bike, motorbike or car trip that you would like to take
11 Describe an interesting foreign person that you know
12 Talk about a time you waited for something special to happen
13 Describe a place you visited on your vocation
14 Talk about a person whose creative work you admire 
15 Describe an occasion when you paid more than expected
16 Talk about a habit your friend has and you want to develop
17 Describe an activity you usually do that wastes your time
18 Talk about a Business-person you admire/ like
19 Describe a family member that did something that made you feel proud
20 Talk about something you did that was difficult but successful
21 Describe a person you know who gave a clever solution for a difficult problem
22 Talk about something that you are interested to learn or improve 
23 Describe a time when you gave advice to others 
24 Talk about a famous person you are interested in 
25 Describe an occasion when you got up extremely early
26 Describe a popular music group (or, a singer) in your country.
27 Describe a difficult thing you did 
28 Describe a person in the news you know.
29 Talk about a fish market you visited
30 Talk About a Natural Disaster in Your Area
31 Describe a lesson that you remember well

September 2022 to December 2022 Cue Cards With Answers

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