IELTS Mock Test

IELTS is an authentic test to assess your English skills in accordance with exam condition and time stress. If some is not good at English, they won’t be able to do good in that. People generally attend IELTS Mock test prior to their real IELTS exams to check their present level of prospective results.

IELTS Mock Test is very important for IELTS candidates to realize the real situation of their language or their language levels in terms of IELTS Listening, IELTS Speaking, IELTS Writing, and IELTS Speaking.

At Nazrul IELTS, we’ve been conducting IELTS Mock Test based on authentic materials to assess the real ability of the candidates and give them actual feedback, so that they can assume their present level of English skills and can take necessary measures to reach their goals.

After the mock test, we generally give the candidates some opportunities to make up their weaknesses by given individual module or on a whole modules, where #Nazrul_Sir conducts the private care for either.

We also provide supporting materials to improve IELTS candidates language skills.

Other details of IELTS Mock Test:

  • Fee: Tk.1000/per mock test
  • Fee: 3000/5 mock test
  • Duration: 2.40 hrs
  • Days: Friday from 3pm, Saturday from 11am.

Contact us:

Nazrul IELTS, Mirpur 1 Bus Stand, Capital tower (Lift 4), Cell: 01834241444