IELTS Speaking test – 10 tips from Experts

IELTS Speaking test – 10 tips from Experts

IELTS Speaking test – 10 tips from Experts

The Speaking test is an up close and personal discussion with an ensured analyst. It is as near a genuine circumstance as a test can get.

  • The examiner will get some information about general points, for example, home, work or concentrates to some Part 1. This should help you feel good when talking
  • Attempt and unwind with the goal that you can talk as normally as could be expected under the circumstances
  • Require significant amount practice before the test to work on speaking with an examiner

Get benefit as much as possible from your Speaking test:

  • endeavor to talk as much as you can
  • talk as smoothly as could be expected under the circumstances and be unconstrained
  • build up your answers
  • talk more than the inspector
  • request elucidation if vital
  • try not to learn arranged answers; the analyst is prepared to recognize this and will change the inquiry
  • express your sentiments; you will be surveyed on your capacity to impart
  • the examiner inquiries will in general be genuinely unsurprising; practice at home and record yourself

Speaking dos and don’ts

DOS and DON’TS for IELTS Speaking Test

The IELTS speaking test is one of the sections of academic IELTS that students must take, if they are looking for their higher education in a foreign country. Some of the countries that accept the IELTS as an English language requirement of non-native speakers are the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom.

But students often get stuck when they do not know what points to avoid or follow when taking the oral test in the IELTS.

The Speaking test is used to measure your ability to communicate effectively and clearly in English. The main reason why students are going abroad should be able to speak when necessary, since they will be alone during the entire study trip. In addition, some courses such as hospitality, nursing or journalism require students to speak English fluently.

Of course, fluency comes with experience and practice, and every student who wants to study abroad should focus on their weak areas and try to improvise them.

In this article, you will learn what to do and what not to do during the IELTS oral expression test.


  1. Do Practice a lot

The old adage “practice makes perfect man” is not wrong. It is recommended that you warm up 24 hours before the IELTS speech test and look for faults in the way you communicate.

Practice with any member of the family or friends or practice with yourself. Also, on the day of the test, you can arrive at the test center from the beginning and try to converse with the faculty or the people in English; This will increase your confidence.

You must be consistent and make sure you talk a lot, at home or wherever you go. There are many applications to help people improve their speaking skills, so try any of them.

  • You speak naturally

Most examiners want students to speak in their natural tone. Do not make mistakes talking too loud or too low, as it could make you more nervous.

In addition, students should avoid memorizing the answers; Instead, they should give an opinion, give examples, talk about cause and effect and talk about hypothetical situations, all spontaneously and directly.

  • Ask the examiner

You should ask the examiner about any questions you can not understand. And you can also ask them to explain to the word they have never heard of. The examiners would be delighted if you ask them relevant questions. But a vital point to remember is not asking too many questions to an examiner, and not asking them to explain each word or vocabulary.

If you do not listen carefully and do not understand a question, it can cause a negative rating, so do not hesitate to ask the examiner questions about anything you do not understand.

  • Stretch the talk

IELTS examiners expect students to talk for a longer time. It is advisable not to limit your answers, instead, try to speak for a longer period, covering the why, how and what is, and give some examples.

  • Give preference to grammar.

Often, most students complain that they get nervous during the oral exam, and most of them struggle to respond grammatically correctly.

But worrying too much about grammar does not help. The best, and probably the only, way to get rid of the fear of speaking the wrong English during the IELTS is to record yourself and listen to how your speech sounds. If you think there are mistakes, try talking and recording again until you achieve perfection.

  • Know the subject

It is good to follow examples of test materials or previous documents, but not too much. Sometimes, the examiner may ask you to talk about any topic that interests you, so you should find your area of ​​interest and read about it, instead of talking about something the examiner has already heard about different students several times. .

If your interest is in the books, then talk about the various genres you have read or if you are interested in sports, then talk about the sports personalities you like, with a little bit of additional history.

  • Correct

When speaking at length, it is very natural to say one or two grammatically incorrect words. But be sure to correct yourself when you make those mistakes.

Although some students may be upset, this habit can sometimes help the examiner understand that you know their basic grammar concepts.

  • Take time to think

It’s not a bad idea to pause and think, and then answer the questions that are thrown at you. Thinking will help you gather ideas about a question you are not sure about. But when you pause, you can use certain phrases that might help, such as:

  • That is an interesting question. Let me think …
  • There is no simple answer for this. I think …
  • I’m not sure, but I’d say what


  1. Do not learn memory answers

Some students may think that learning memory responses will help them impress the examiner. But an examiner is never impressed by written answers. This could cause the examiner to give you low scores and also give you more tests when asking difficult questions.

  • I do not agree if you do not want

Many students may think that if they do not agree with the opinion of the examiner in the oral expression test, they could lose grades. But that’s wrong! Examiners test their ability to speak and are not worried about their opinion.

  • Do not use big words

Many students think that using solid vocabularies can take them far, but that is a common mistake. You should use words that you feel comfortable with, but at the same time use words to show that you have a wide vocabulary.

The examiner will also judge you by the way you pronounce words, so be sure to give pronunciation the same importance when using new words.

  • Do not be a grammar nerd

Do not be so addicted to correct all the grammatical errors in your sentence, and most importantly, do not use florid words. It is important to focus on speaking accurately, but being too pedantic will not help. Actually, the previous point is the same as this one. If you try to show your language skills or simply use too many strange words, then examiners can easily detect that you are not what you are.

Often, students give more preference to grammar than to fluency that is wrong. Focusing too much on your accent can also be negative for you when talking to the examiner. As I said before, the examiners see how well you are talking and what you are talking about, and do not worry if you are doing an accent or using some jargon.

  • Do not rest easy

I would have heard this several times that in the IELTS oral expression test, I should not be silent. If you have nothing to say, then pause and say something that connects your sentences, for example, when you do not know the answer to a question, say ‘I’m sorry, I do not know much about this. … ‘It’s always good to try an answer instead of keeping silent.

  • Do not deviate

You should not abandon the topic about which you were asked to speak. When asked for your name and city or hometown, attach the question to answer the question with less important words. If the examiner asks you about your hobbies, you should answer your question with a minimum of words, without describing any history or incident attached to your hobbies.

IELTS Speaking test – 10 tips from Experts

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