Latest IELTS Speaking Questions 2023

Latest IELTS Speaking Questions 2023

All IELTS Speaking questions can be organized into 14 topics types. One by one we’ll add all the question types followed by their real exam questions and upcoming potential ones. MUST READ FOR GOOD IELTS SPEAKING TEST RESULTS!!!!

** 2023 Part 1, 2 and 3 TOPICS ADDED – MORE WILL BE ADDED SOON **


  • IELTS Speaking Topic #1: Places
    • Part 2 & 3 – A city – (Jan ~ Aug. 2023)


  • Describe a city you would like to visit
    You can say:
    – what the city is
    – where the city is
    – who you would go with
    – and say what you would do there 

– Do you know how many IELTS Part 2 question types there are

Part 3 – Cities

#1 – Why do many young people want to live in big cities? 

#2 – Are cities good places for elderly people to live in?  

#3 – Why are historical cities popular (with locals / tourists)? 

#4 – What makes a city a good one to live in? 

#5 – Do you think that cities can sometimes be dangerous places for tourists? 

#6 – Do more people want to live in the countryside compared to the past? 


  • Part 2 & 3 – A New Development – (Jan ~ Aug. 2023)


  • Describe a new development (building / facility) in your city
    You can say:
    – what the building is
    – when it was built
    – how long it took to complete
    – and say what you think of this new development 

– Do you know how many IELTS Part 2 question types there are?  Part 3 – Leisure Facilities

#1 – Are there many leisure facilities in your area?  

#2 – Do people in your country still go to the cinema? 

#3 – What new facilities would you like to have in your area?  

#4 – Do you think there is more construction in your city compared to the past? 

#5 – What kinds of facilities make a city a better place to live in? 


  • Part 2 & 3 – An Interesting Place for Tourists – (Sept. ~ April 2023)


  • Describe an interesting place in your country that you would recommend to tourists
    You can say:

    – where it is
    – what it is like
    – what you can do there
    – and why you would recommend it to tourists  

 Where would you talk about? Here are some ideas:
– the centre of a city / a downtown area
– a museum or historical building
– a natural area (a park, a nature reserve, mountain range, caves,, waterfalls)
– an amusement park (Disneyland etc.)
– an area popular for food

Part 3 – Tourism and Travelling

#1 – Why do you think more and more young people are travelling or going on trips?

#2 – Is it important to take lots of photos when you travel?

#3 – What kinds of things can people learn from travelling?

#4 – What are some of the benefits of travelling alone?

#5 – Do you prefer to travel alone or with a group of people?

#6 – What kinds of things influence where people like to go on vacation?

#7 – Do you think that travelling is easier than in the past?


  • Part 2 & 3 – A Popular Place for Sports – (Sept.~ April. 2023)


  • Describe a popular place for sports
    You can say:

    – where it is
    – how you know about it
    – what it’s like
    – and why it’s a good place for sports 

 Where would you talk about? Here are some ideas:
– a sports stadium that opens to the public
– a sports centre with a wide range of facilities
– your local park
– an indoor/outdoor pool
– a studio (for yoga, spin classes, aerobics)

Part 3 – Doing Sports 

#1 – What are the benefits of sports?

#2 – Should children do lots of exercise?

#3 – What kinds of sports are popular in your country?

#4 – Do you think that young people do less sports than their parents?

#5 – Is it easier or harder to play sports these days?

#6 – How can people get involved in more sports?


  • Part 2 & 3 – An activity in a new place (Sept. ~ April 2023)


  • Describe an outdoor activity you did in a new place
    You can say:

    – where it is
    – what the activity was
    – what the place is like
    – and if you enjoyed it 

 What would you talk about? Here are some ideas:
– walking, hiking or climbing in a new natural area (mountains, parks)
– a new sport that you tried (running, skiing)
– something in water (snorkeling, scuba-diving, white-water rafting)
– something on wheels (skateboarding, cycling, rollerblading)

Part 3 – Outdoor Activities 

#1 – What types of outdoor activities are popular in your country?

#2 – What are the advantages of doing things outdoors rather than indoors?

#3 – Why do some people not like exercising indoors? (i.e. in gyms)

#4 – Is it easier to find outdoor activities than it was in the past?

#5 – Do you think that enough people do outdoor activities?

#6 – Are there any drawbacks to trying outdoor activities?


  • Part 2 & 3 – A House or Apartment – (Sept. ~ April 2023)


  • Describe a house or apartment that you often visit
    You can say:

    – where it is
    – what it is like
    – what you can do there
    – and why you visit it often 

 Where would you talk about? Here are some ideas:
– the house/apartment of a family member or relative
– the house/apartment of a friend
– your own house/apartment
– the house/apartment of a colleague, client or patient
– a house/apartment that has been converted into a kind of store

Part 3 – Accommodation / Buildings

#1 – What are some of the main differences between living in the countryside and the city?

#2 – Why do so many people in cities live in apartments?

#3 – Are there any safety risks for people who live in residential buildings?

#4 – Would you prefer to live in the countryside or in a big city?

#5 – What are some of the differences between living in a house and an apartment?


Latest IELTS Speaking Questions 2023