What is Physical Education?
Overview & Activities
Children, as well as grownups, benefit from regular exercise. Health benefits from regular exercise include: stronger muscles and bones, improved coordination and energy, and reduced risk of developing chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes. For most toddlers, exercise means being physically active during play, recess, and physical education class, also known as P.E. contributes to each child’s total growth and development.
Physical education is a course taught in school that emphases on evolving physical fitness and the ability to perform and enjoy day-to-day physical activities with ease. Kids also develop skills necessary to partake in a wide range of activities, such as soccer, basketball, or swimming. Regular physical education classes prepare kids to be physically and mentally active, fit, and healthy into adulthood. A real physical education program should include engaging lessons, trained P.E. teachers, adequate instructional periods, and student evaluation.
Physical Education Curriculum
Physical education aids students develop physical skills and self-reliance. For example, basic and middle school curriculum includes activities that help children obtain and improve skills, such as running, catching, throwing, and striking, applicable to sports such as baseball, volleyball, or karate. Harmonizing skills could be applied to dance or gymnastics.
High school curriculum should focus on lifetime sports skills like tennis or aerobic dance, with a secondary emphasis on team sports.
It develops fitness and fosters the desire for lifelong participation in physical activity. high school curriculum prepares students to become highly proficient in one or more sport and/or fitness activity of their choice.
Studying Phy. Edu.
Though physical education and physical movement are proven to be key mechanisms of child development, these programs are often some of the first cut from the curriculum when schools begin to focus on standardized testing. After completing this lesson, teachers or pre-service teachers should create a proposal directed at a (fictional) principal or school board member as to why the school should keep physical education in its programme.
Begin by having participants think about and research the benefits of this education. Although this lesson touches on the key ideas, you will want to find and use facts or statistics. Each person should find at least five facts. The facts could either be general benefits or they could focus on one key area of benefit such as emotional health, improved classroom behavior or physical health.
After researching facts, they should put together a document that convinces someone to include phy education in the curriculum. This could be slide show, flyer, speech, etc.
If this is finished in classroom or professional development meeting, have everyone share their ideas and what they learned with the rest of the group. Later, you could extend this into having a discussion about why physical education is important for all pupils and adults.